
9th CancerTelSys meeting: Feb 7th 2019, from 12:30-17:30 h in the Ute-Greenier-Saal, BioQuant, Heidelberg

Save the date - the e:Med Meeting 2019 will take place September 23-25, 2019 at the Biomedical Center in Bonn (Venusberg).

8th CancerTelSys meeting: Oct 9th 2018, from 12:30-17:30 h in the Ute-Greenier-Saal, BioQuant, Heidelberg

7th CancerTelSys meeting at Feb 27th 2018, from 12:30-17:00 h in the Ute-Greenier-Saal, BioQuant, Heidelberg

Save the date - the e:Med Meeting 2018 will take place September 24-26, 2018 at the Urania in Berlin.

6th CancerTelSys meeting at May 30th 2017, from 12:30-17:00 h in the Ute-Greenier-Saal, BioQuant, Heidelberg

Save the date - the e:Med Meeting 2017 will be held November 21 - 23, 2017 at the Alte Mensa, Georg-August-University Göttingen.

5th CancerTelSys meeting at Nov 10th 2016, from 12:30-17:00 h in the Ute-Greenier-Saal, BioQuant, Heidelberg

Save the date - the e:Med Meeting 2016 on Systems Medicine will be held October 04 - 06, 2016 at the CAU Audimax in Kiel.

Highlight on (German only) about work of the CancerTelSys consortium

The program for the e:Med meeting on Systems Medicine 2015 in October is online.

The e:Med meeting on Systems Medicine 2015 meeting will take place on October 26nd to 28th, 2015, at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg.

The 3rd CancerTelSys meeting will take place on September 22nd, 2015, 12-18 h at the BioQuant, Heidelberg.

The 2nd CancerTelSys meeting has taken place on January 29th, 2015, 12-18 h at the BioQuant, Heidelberg.

The e:Med kick-off meeting on Systems Medicine meeting has taken place on November 24nd to 25th, 2014, at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg.

DKFZ Heidelberg - BioQuant Heidelberg - ZMBH Heidelberg - UKE Hamburg - CSCC Jena

e:Med Systems Medicine Program

CancerTelSys - Identifying cancer telomere maintenance networks for diagnosis, prognosis, patient stratification and therapy response prediction

Research mission

Cancer cells require a telomere maintenance mechanism (TMM) to avoid cellular senescence and apoptosis induced by the replicative shortening of their chromosome ends. Frequently, telomerase is reactivated to extend the telomeres. However, in 5-25 % of the cases (depending on tumor entity) alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) pathways exist that operate via DNA repair and recom- bination processes. The identification of the active TMM provides highly valuable information from which prognostic and stratifying analysis schemes can be derived that address the clinically ob- served tumor heterogeneity. For example, the presence of a specific TMM in glioblastoma and lymphoma is a prognostic marker for patient survival. Since cancer therapies targeting telomerase can select for the emergence of an ALT-positive cancer cell population, specific assays and treat- ments for the different TMM subgroups are needed to diagnose and target these recurrent tumors. In CancerTelSys, we will implement a systems medicine approach that integrates a bioinformatical analysis of (epi)genomic data with automated high-throughput quantification of 3D fluorescence microscopy images to develop network models that describe the active TMM of a given tumor patient sample. In an iterative cycle between experimental studies and modeling work, we will derive a TMM classification scheme for the TMM status in glioblastoma and prostate cancer samples for which we have already identified the presence of clinically relevant subgroups with different TMMs. The TMM classification will be applied in a clinical setting for prognostic, predictive and stratifying analysis of tumor samples. Furthermore, we will develop strategies to combine existing telomerase inhibitors with novel approaches that target ALT and promote telomere repeat resection for improv- ing the application of TMM inhibition in cancer therapy and will identify specific drug targets for the different TMM subgroups based on the network models.





Cluster: epigenetic Networks Cluster:Telomere Lengthening Cluster: Modeling Chromatin cluster:RNA in Chromatin Cluster: Synthetic Biology Cluster: Fluorescence Microscopy

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